How HomeCam Registers NDN Prefixes?

HomeCam, a browser-based home surveillance camera, is one of my major side projects during the past few years. My last post gave an overview on the overall architecture and various components of HomeCam. I mentioned that HomeCam delivers pictures via Named Data Networking (NDN), which provides better scalability because the camera only needs to serve each picture once even if there are multiple viewers, and the network takes care of the distribution.

Both HomeCam viewers and cameras connect to the global NDN testbed network via WebSockets. A viewer sends Interests to the network to request a picture from a specific camera identified by part of the Interest name. The network forwards the Interests to the named camera, and the camera responds with Data packets that contain the picture. But how does the network know where the camera is?

The camera must register its prefix onto the NDN testbed network.

For a regular end host running the NDN Forwarding Daemon (NFD), you may let the world reach your NFD via auto prefix propagation. This procedure involves sending a prefix registration command to the network, which causes the router to add a route toward the end host. A requirement is that the prefix registration command must be signed by a key trusted by the network.

HomeCam camera is a browser-based application that directly connects to a testbed router, and there is no NFD running locally to do auto prefix propagation for us. However, HomeCam can still have a route added toward the camera by sending a prefix registration command.

How HomeCam Works?

HomeCam, a browser-based home surveillance camera, is one of my major side projects during the past few years. HomeCam allows you to capture pictures via the webcam on a laptop or smartphone, and view real-time images from a different device. No specialized hardware or software installation is needed: HomeCam works directly in a web browser. This article gives an overview of the web technologies that enable HomeCam.

If you have not used HomeCam, try it today!

Functionality Review and General Workflow

The HomeCam web app can operate in either viewer or camera mode. To enter either mode, the user is required to specify a "camera name", which serves as an identifier. Each camera should have a distinct camera name. Any number of viewers can be active at the same time, and they will retrieve real-time pictures from the camera with the same camera name.

Under the hood, this works in three steps:



通过查询目录收集Email地址,主要是查询各类电子黄页、网站备案资料、域名WHOIS信息等。例如WHOIS,可以查询到域名注册者的Email地址(有些WHOIS结果页面会用各种方式保护Email地址,但大部分并不会进行保护)。根据规定,域名WHOIS信息必须包含有效的Email地址,因此规避这种收集的唯一方法是使用Private Domain Registration服务,令WHOIS信息中包含的Email地址不断变化。

使用网页爬虫收集Email地址,是指垃圾邮件发送者编写程序抓取互联网上的网页,在网页文本中提取形似Email地址的字符串。比如某网页包含了 这个Email地址,爬虫程序抓取该网页时就可以用正则表达式找到这个地址。本文主要讨论针对这种收集方法的防范。






考虑这样一种情况:<h4>Image Replacement</h4>,效果:

Image Replacement






<!-- 插入Google的logo,图片宽度应为168px -->
<img id="__ImageSupport" src=""
  style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;z-index:-1;" alt=""/>
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
function ImageSupport() {
  var m=document.getElementById('__ImageSupport');
  if (m && m.width > 100) return true;
  else return false;

演示:图像尺寸法 检测浏览器是否打开图像显示





