

以下列举了34个网站,只包含目前仍然在线、或者能够找到截图/源码的站点,且不包含某些非公开项目;实际做过的网站,大约在60个左右。部分截图来自Internet Archive Wayback Machine

2001 个人主页

  • 内容:自我介绍,我的第一张数码照片
  • 技术:FrontPage
  • 发布:通过电子邮件发给读者
个人主页 截图

2002 FredSoft

  • 内容:VB编程作品
  • 技术:手写HTML4
  • 发布:学校空间
FredSoft 截图

2002 个人文件夹

  • 内容:链接到子文件夹
  • 技术:手写HTML4、CSS、JavaScript
  • 发布:本地计算机个人使用,Windows 98的folder.htt功能
个人文件夹 截图

How do I deploy my website on NDN?

As a website owner, I'm always thinking about making my website available on more channels, so I enabled IPv6 several years ago. NDN comes to my eye as a new "content distribute model" and "communicate protocol". It's natural for me to think about: how do I deploy my website on NDN?

Like most small websites, my website runs mainly on HTTP. Visitors issue GET requests to retrieve pages and resources, which is essentially static but may change at any time. They issue POST requests to interact with web applications, or play with JavaScript-based web applications. I used to provide file downloading through FTP or BitTorrent (but it's now on SkyDrive). I'm collecting statistics with Google Analysis, and an accurate report is important to me. To sum up, I have 5 scenarios:

  1. retrieve pages and resources;
  2. server-based web applications;
  3. JavaScript-based web application;
  4. file downloading;
  5. analysis.

File downloading is the easiest one on NDN. Once a file is published, I would not modify it without using a new name. So, publishing files under a NDN prefix is sufficient. By adding a segmentation component in data names, visitors can download a piece of a file, which is similar to BitTorrent.

Retrieving pages and resources is similar to file downloading, except that pages may change at any time. I don't know when a page will change, so I cannot specify an expiry time when the page was served. In HTTP, user agents can include a If-Modified-Since header, and server would respond with 304 status code if page is not modified without sending the content. In NDN, I can add a version component in data names, so user agents can INTEREST locally-cached version number with RightmostRightSibling annotation.






require 'qqwry.lib.php';
$qqwry=new QQWRY;
foreach ($results as $ip=>$record) {
    echo long2ip($ip).' '.$record->get_c().' '.$record->get_a()."\n";


2016-01-05更新:Windows Live Messenger Connect已于2013年关闭,本技巧已经失效。




本文介绍的“聊天室”功能由Windows Live Messenger Connect提供,需要使用一个Windows Live ID来管理。如果你的网站不是个人网站,建议你新注册一个Windows Live ID作为开发者帐号,以便在必要时与其他网站管理者共同使用该帐号。注意密码必须足够复杂,否则是无法作为开发者帐号使用的。




  • Wireshark工作在网络层;如果计算机配置了IPSec传输层加密,则在网络层的流量都已经被加密,什么也看不到。
  • 当今大量网络接口使用HTTPS加密,Wireshark不能抓取到HTTPS流量的明文内容。


Fiddler是Eric Lawrence编写的HTTP抓包软件。Fiddler工作在应用层上,作为其他程序的HTTP代理服务器。它可以直接抓取并分析HTTP流量,也可以作为“中间人”抓取并分析HTTPS流量。