漫步在北京 (下) | Wandering in Beijing (2)
北京历史悠久,景点众多,一篇文章写不下。 所以,接着上篇,我来继续回顾我在北京看到的风景名胜。
Beijing has a long history and more attractions than what I can fit in one article. Following the previous part, let me continue revisiting what I've experienced in Beijing.
北京的长城 | Great Wall
万里长城是中国古代建造的最为宏大的工程之一,也是中华民族精神的象征。 长城在春秋战国时期即已修筑,不过北京附近的长城大多数是明代建造的。 八达岭是北京最著名、交通比较方便的一段长城。 我在2013年6月16日游览了八达岭长城。
Great Wall of China is one of the most magnificent projects in ancient China. It has existed since more than 2500 years ago, but most remaining Great Wall sections near Beijing were built in the Ming Dynasty. Badaling is the most visited section of Great Wall because it's conveniently accessible by public transit. I visited Badaling on 16 June 2013.