
我从上海交通大学本科、到亚利桑那大学研究生,都是坚持纸质笔记,而不是用电脑作笔记。 我的笔记只在课堂当场书写、课后做作业时完善,之后就记住了。 考试前夕是不看的。

本科阶段(2005-2009年),我买不起平板电脑,也从未见过同学使用。 每天晚上,我捧着笔记本电脑,到D楼空调教室使用无线网络。


  • 昂达,Android,7in
  • 联想,Android,10in
  • 苹果,iPad Mini 2,8in
  • RCA,Windows 10,10in


Academic Papers

Writing and publishing academic papers is an essential part of PhD education. During my 6-year PhD career, I published three academic papers as first author in peer-reviewed conferences:

Publishing an academic paper is hard. In the process, I must:

  1. Come up with an idea.
  2. Confirm the idea is feasible.
  3. Design and execute experiments to show the design is superior to competitors.
  4. Write the paper to make others understand my idea and experiments.
  5. Submit the paper, and hope my paper is better than most submissions in the same conference.

The Idea Phase

How to Deduplicate BibTeX Entries?

I'm writing my dissertation recently. My dissertation is a combination of several publications from my PhD career. Therefore, part of my dissertation writing process involves copy-pasting the papers together into a single document.

Like any good academics, I typeset my publications with LaTeX, and use BibTeX to incorporate citations into the documents. My collection of bibliographies is fairly ad hoc: during each writing project, I search for related work to cite in my paper. Unlike most others, I create a separate bib file for each BibTeX entry named after the citation key. For example, I would have bib/ndn-tlv.bib for a BibTeX entry named "ndn-tlv", and bib/Mininet.bib for the "Mininet" entry. This allows me to find available citation keys with a quick glance over the bib/ directory. My build process then concatenates these small bib files into ref.bib as an input to BibTeX.

My dissertation combines all my publications, and thus needs a union of BibTeX entries from those combinations. To make this union, I can copy all these single-entry bib files into the same directory. If two previous papers cited the same reference, their bib files should have the same name, and only one copy would be left in the combined directory.

Except that the above assumption is true only if I cited the same reference with the same citation key. And so I discovered a citation appearing twice in my dissertation:

duplicate references in dissertation




关键词 P2P,流量,监控,网络,l7filter


Fast growth of Peer-to-Peer traffic are taking more and more backbone network bandwidth, and may slow down key businesses. In this paper, major P2P identification techniques and a way to enhance them are introduced at first. Then we set up a P2P traffic detection router based on iptables and l7filter. A Web application is designed and implemented with AJAX and PHP, so that a network administrator can manage the router or view router logs in this Web application. The router and the Web application make up a P2P detection system.


2月14日,我发现我的网站流量陡然上升;当时,我以为网站受攻击了,但没有发现什么异常。 第二天一看统计,大量用户从校内网和饮水思源BBS站访问了我2月3日制作的一个小工具——上海交通大学本科生GPA计算器


我很早就知道GPA的概念——学积点的加权平均;GPA是评选奖学金、出国申请的依据。 我也很想知道自己的GPA,然而GPA的计算涉及所有学科的成绩,计算起来非常复杂,即使使用BBS上找到了几个GPA计算工具,也需要一个个输入成绩和学分。 2月3日,我在选课系统上查看成绩单的时候想到,能否读取成绩单、自动计算GPA呢? 由于计算GPA需要知道入学以来每个学期的全部成绩,而选课系统每页只有一个学期的成绩,我又想到了教务处网站上的“本科修业情况查询”功能。

查出自己的修业情况,然后看HTML源代码,写出XPath表达式,两小时不到,我就做出了一个方便的GPA计算器——在Firefox里,在修业情况上按下CTRL+U查看源代码、CTRL+C复制,然后到计算器页面CTRL+V粘贴,鼠标一点,GPA就算出来了。 接下来几天,又修改程序,放弃XPath、改用getElementsByTagName,使得程序能支持IE浏览器;还做了些搜索引擎优化。

我没有宣传这个工具,只是网站首页有一个链接。 在搜索引擎收录后,校内网、饮水思源BBS站出现了多个介绍此程序的帖子,出国板还把它列入了置底帖。 然后,就出现了访问量陡然上升的情况。


关键字:软件工程,校内网,博客,blog,ASP.NET 3.5,LINQ,XML,ATOM

摘要:以下是本人2007年12月在《软件工程》课程中开发“blog管理系统"项目的研发报告,主要阐述了这个软件的设计过程以及用ASP.NET 3.5实现的部分细节。

小组成员——项目经理:蒋彦;架构设计师:石君霄;业务分析员:熊帆,严栋孜;程序员:张篪,张臣,孙俊卿,王成超,孙斌,陆黎青;测试员:罗慧骏,袁文俊。 本人任务:架构师

由于本人长期从事信息系统开发,经验丰富,因此全组一致推举我担当架构师一职,且完成了不少编程工作。由于工期紧张,这个程序并不符合yoursunny的质量标准,因此我放弃了署名权,且程序代码进入Public Domain、不受版权保护。

一、 需求分析





