Watch @EmojiTetra Live on ESP32 OLED Display
@EmojiTetra is an online game resembling Tetris, hosted on Twitter platform. Every 20 minutes, the @EmojiTetra account posts a tweet that displays the current game board, along with a four-option poll that allows visitors to vote for the game's next move: left, right, down, rotate, or plummet.
I find this game interesting. To watch or participate in @EmojiTetra, I need to unlock my tablet, open Twitter app, search for "EmojiTetra", and scroll past the pinned tweet in order to see the current game move. In total, this process needs 17 taps. Looking at the 0.96 inch OLED display on my Heltec WiFi_Kit_32 (paid link) board, I'm thinking: can I play @EmojiTetra on an ESP32?
Twitter API
Twitter offers an API that allows applications to retrieve and post tweets.
GET statuses/user_timeline
resource, for example, retrieves a collection of the most recent tweets posted by a specific user.
To watch the game, "user timeline" is exactly what I need to retrieve the current game state.