Moving Dot: How Many Displays Can You Fit on an ESP8266?

In's toy vault, there is an assortment of LED displays. I'm wondering, how many LED displays can I fit on an ESP8266? So I built this "moving dot" demonstration, with two LED displays and a buzzer.

moving dot demo

The LED matrix serves as the game board. A dot appears on the matrix. In each time step, the dot randomly moves by one pixel or stays in the same position. The 4-digit displays current time step number. Whenever the dot reach any of the four corners, the buzzer plays a piano note selected between C3 and B5.


Bill of materials


peripheral peripheral pin NodeMCU pin ESP8266 GPIO
8x8 matrix SDI D7 13
8x8 matrix SCL D5 14
8x8 matrix CS D8 15
8x8 matrix 5V 3V3
8x8 matrix GND GND
buzzer S D6 12
buzzer GND GND
buzzer VCC 3V3
4-digit CLK D2 4
4-digit DIO D1 5
4-digit GND GND
4-digit 5V 3V3

Arduino Code

// commit bf0637ba17624035b2657d2743e2e878aae9923f
#include <LEDMatrixDriver.hpp>

// commit 4f4196a3b2e56540de7782e1ea138b25361ae71f
#include <SevenSegmentTM1637.h>

const int MUSIC_NOTES[] = {
  130, 146, 164, 174, 195, 220, 246,
  261, 293, 329, 349, 391, 440, 493,
  523, 587, 659, 698, 783, 880, 987,

LEDMatrixDriver matrix(1, 15);
SevenSegmentTM1637 seven(4, 5);

int step = 0;
int x = 4, y = 4;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  matrix.setPixel(x, y, false);
  x += random(-1, 2);
  y += random(-1, 2);
  x = max(min(x, 7), 0);
  y = max(min(y, 7), 0);
  matrix.setPixel(x, y, true);

  seven.printf("%4d", step);

  if ((x == 0 || x == 7) && (y == 0 || y == 7)) {
    int freq = MUSIC_NOTES[random(21)];
    tone(12, freq, 100);


Video Demo